Even if you wanted to directly exercise the penis, you couldn’t do it. Because there was no suitable exercise equipment until now. But now you can exercise the penis as you want.
We have succeeded in developing an exercise equipment that effectively and easily enlarges the penis, because it also has the two functions to rub testicles and stretch the penis just by walking in an ergonomic way. Continuously pulling on or massaging any part of the human body, it stretches or gets thick with callus.
Such exercises cause the part to grow. In the human body, the tissues of the penis are reproductive organs that consist only of ligaments and Epidermis. Therefore, when anyone trains them, the cells split rapidly and the penis and testicles grow together. In addition, testicles are responsible for hormonal action, and the continuous massage through the automatic device for jelqing promotes the male hormone secretion.
By continual stimulation, the threshold for friction increases, and the peripheral nerves on the glans are blunted, which has an effect of improving premature ejaculation. The human body grows older and its ageing progresses further. At this time, the penis becomes thinner and weaker.
The only way to regain youth is exercise. The strength difference of them who constantly exercise and who doesn't is like night and day. If you want to turn back the clock and live a healthy and energetic life, your best bet is exercise.