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Q: I’ve not circumcised yet, but the device continually is dislocated and makes me painful. Any tips?

Views 897

A: First of all, you can wear though you’ve not circumcised yet.

Yes, that is not a problem. People who are not yet performed circumcision have more possibility to grow genital.

If you, who have never worked out without using device, use auto Jelq device for 3 months, you will see your organ gets out and grows 0.7 ~ 1.1 inch. When the genital grow, glans will go up on epidemic, so it is naturally circumcised.

There are some of you who got this situation worried about ‘premature ejaculation’. However, our device continually rubs glans to dull the senses, so don’t worry about it.

There are tips if the device is dislocated if you are not circumcised, bend back epidemic which is front side of genital first, and then wear ‘the silicon body’ behind glans about 0.7 inch. 

If the way doesn’t work, buy sports tape in pharmacy. It helps less painful and comfortable to wear.

You may be painful because you’ve not performed circumcision, so inner skin is more sensitive.

As user manual, if you keep working out for 3 months, your glans gets bigger. And then you can work out without using the tape.

No pain no gain. So, Good Luck.

FYI: there is a tip how to use sports tape on video (3m 45s).