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Q: How big will my size be after working out for about 3 months?

Views 959

A: If you work out for 3 months with the device, depending on your effort, body type, age, period of usage, the size is grown from 0.3 to 1.1 inch. In particular, the effort has influenced on making bigger size. For example, if your organ size was 3.9 inch, but later became 4.9 inch, you may realize total size 1.5 ~ 2 times comparing with its weight and volume.

That means your organ grows a lot numerically. When you catch the fish, if their size is each 9.8 and 11.9 inch, their weight is 2 times different. Like this example, when your organ size is bigger, your actual organ size is 2 times bigger.

When you keep using our device consistently, your organ will be like the monster.